شارك سماحة الشّيخ موفق طريف الرّئيس الرّوحيّ للطّائفة الدّرزيّة ورئيس المجلس الدّينيّ الدّرزيّ الأعلى في يوم دراسيّ للأئمّة الدّروز، كان قد عُقد في مقام سيّدنا الخضر عليه السّلام في كفرياسيف.
وتخلّل اليوم الدراسيّ محاضرة لقاضي المحكمة الدّينيّة الدّرزيّة الشّيخ كمال قبلان، عرض من خلالها قضايا اجتماعيّة هامّة متعلّقة بنشاطات المأذونين، تلتها مناقشةٌ عمليّة تولّتها إدارة المجلس الدّينيّ الدّرزيّ الأعلى والمحكمة الدّينيّة الدّرزيّة.
Your blog has helped me through some tough times and I am so grateful for your wise words and positive outlook
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. It truly means the world to me to hear that my blog has been a source of support and encouragement for you during tough times. Writing and sharing my experiences and insights is a journey that is deeply personal and rewarding, especially when I learn that it has positively impacted someone else’s life.
Please remember, you’re never alone, and it’s okay to have difficult days. What’s most important is that we keep moving forward, taking one day at a time. I am here to share more wise words and maintain a positive outlook, hoping it brings light to even the darkest moments.
If there’s ever a specific topic or area you’d like me to explore or any way I can support you further, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your journey is important, and I am grateful to be a part of it, even if just through my words.
Thank you again for your kind words. Let’s continue to support each other and spread positivity. Looking forward to our continued journey together.
Warm regards,